Issa Asad Shares 3 Ways to Build an Online Presence for Business
When you’re on the hunt for the perfect job, one area that’s commonly overlooked is an online presence. Employers have the ability to find out more about potential employees through a simple online search than ever before.
“While having no online presence may seem like a benefit, you’re better off creating one that promotes your accomplishments and ambitions,” said Issa Asad Florida businessman, author, and social media expert. Mr. Asad is the CEO of Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings, located in South Florida. He is also the author of 4 e-commerce and marketing e-books that can be purchased on Amazon.
If you’re just getting started, Issa Asad Shares 3 Ways to Build an Online Presence for Business:
1. Join Relevant Groups
Your professional network is a great resource and will be invaluable when job searching. As you begin to grow in your area, employers want to know that you’ve made connections in your field. These groups can be in-person or virtual, but you’ll want to make sure that you are a member of any relevant groups that have an online membership forum.
Many professional groups have an online presence where you can write articles, discuss ideas, or network. Make sure that you’re a member of those groups and participating on a regular basis. By taking an active role online, employers will see that you’re engaged and staying informed. Taking this step is invaluable for your career.
2. Define Your Area of Expertise
When you’re an expert in a certain area, you’re going to stand out from the competition. In fact, employers look for job candidates who have industry-specific knowledge that is evident in their online presence.
When creating a presence for yourself as an expert, think about your desired identity. For example, many people work in marketing. Be more specific and define the domain that you work in such as paid advertising or social media marketing. Highlight your projects or accomplishments in that specific area. As you gain more experience, you’ll be seen as a leader in that area.
3. Educate Throughout Your Career
Educating others is a good way to build and grow your online presence. When you know your area or niche, you should develop a content strategy that will allow you to educate your audience. When you provide valuable content on a regular basis, you’ll build a reputation as being an industry thought leader.
Employers like to see varied content with online content. Creating content such as online courses, instructional articles, and even ebooks are all good options. For example, if you have a website, posting articles on a regular basis to inform your readers is a good starting point.
As you continue to build a body of relevant work, you’ll earn more followers and build a stronger presence. Creating various forms of content to educate others will show that you’re passionate about your field and creative. It also demonstrates your excellent communication skills.
Keep in mind that an online presence is a continuous project. As you grow in your career, continue to work on creating and maintaining your online presence. Not only will you earn future job opportunities, you’ll also be learning and growing professionally. Your current and future employers will take note of your online presence so make sure you focus on this area.