Everyone could make some extra bucks online these days. And if you want to make some cool money buying and selling stuff from manufacturers and supplies from any part of the world, Alibaba is the place to start. You don’t need to have a college degree in business to make money on Alibaba, which is a Chinese-based company and the largest business-to-business ecommerce website on the planet.
Without revealing all the interesting stats about Alibaba’s mammoth size and the huge success of the recent initial public offer (IPO) of its shares, it’s enough to say that you can smile to the bank regularly if you can discover and grab some of the profitable business opportunities available on Alibaba. To help you get started, here are 3 ways to make money using Alibaba:
1. Meet an Urgent Need in Your Community
Is there a product that is in high demand where you live? Think about it. This could be the key to your financial fortune. One of the quickest and best ways to make money with Alibaba is to import products that have a very high demand in your locality.
For instance, if your city laws suddenly ban the use of chicken coops with the city, you could provide egg incubators for people who want to continue their poultry business in the country side. For example, you can get egg incubators for about $60 per unit from suppliers on Alibaba, pay a little less than $90 for shipping and still sell them profitably for between $230 and $350 depending on the retail channel you use.
2. Start a Drop-shipping Business
Do you want to buy and sell products with “a red hot” demand? Drop-shipping is an excellent way to do so. You don’t need to bother about owning a physical store to house your goods. You can easily find popular items that customers want on websites like Amazon and eBay. Then off you go to Alibaba to get reliable manufacturers that can fulfill the order on eBay. And you are in business.
Off course, you need to carry out due diligence to make sure you don’t get swindled on Alibaba but there are several ways to buy goods safely and make payment without being scammed.
3. Buy Wholesale Clothing
Clothing will always be in demand. Why? Clothes will either get worn out or they become old fashioned. And nobody wants to wear torn or old fashioned attire. But to make cool cash from selling clothing, you need to either sell expensive luxury clothes to a few people or you sell clothes to the rest of us at low prices.
Alibaba is a great place to connect with clothing manufacturers and suppliers that will sell good quality clothes to you at rock bottom wholesale prices. But you should do some research to find out the lowest volume you can order at a good price, the cost of shipping, the time frame and the reliability of the company you want to buy from.
Luckily, Alibaba helps you to make a down payment in the escrow account and suppliers only get paid after they deliver your goods. When your goods arrive, make sure you inspect them to ensure that there are no holes, rips, tears or other defects that can stop you from selling them at a good price.
I’ve shared 3 ways to make money using Alibaba with you. Although some additional information is required to use these ideas, you should start exploring them today. If you have any questions or ideas on this topic, please kindly share them by leaving a comment. Thanks.