Issa Asad Shares 3 Things to Look for When Hiring a Manager

Most entrepreneurs think that the product/service and taking care of the customers are among the most critical part of a business.

Issa Asad Florida
Issa Asad Florida

“While there’s nothing wrong with this idea, it’s only when you start sacrificing the welfare of your employees in exchange for better product/service and customer service that things will start to get messy,” said Issa Asad Florida entrepreneur and businessman since 1996. Mr. Asad is the CEO of Q Link Wireless and Quadrant Holdings, located in South Florida. He is also the author of 4 e-commerce and marketing e-books that can be purchased on Amazon.

Here, Issa Asad Shares 3 Things to Look for When Hiring a Manager:

Employee Morale

If you’ve been reading a couple of marketing books, a common theme will often appear. What we are talking about is the mantra of “the customer is king” or “customer first.”

While we do agree that taking care of your customer is essential, but never forget about your employees. After all, who do you think is dealing with the customer? Who handles with the customer support? Who is making your product or who is providing your company’s service? In most cases, it will be your employees.

Hence, the morale of your employees has a direct impact on the company’s productivity and customer service. If you have unhappy, disgruntled and low-morale employees, then its guaranteed that the company’s product/service and customer service will suffer. On the other hand, if your employees are happy, then they are likely to be more productive and be more willing to go the extra mile to take care of your customers. But here’s another problem.

If you are running a small business with a few employees, it’s easy to observe the behavior of your employees and keep the morale up. As your company grows, it will be harder for you to track the morale of your employees. This is the reason why hiring a good manager is very important. A good manager will keep the morale of workforce high, thus maintaining or increasing productivity and efficiency.

Make Sure They’re a “People Person”

A good manager loves to be around people. They enjoy the members of their team. Good managers are excited to see their team members succeed and increase their contributions to the company or team. A good manager is also naturally kind, and won’t hesitate in encouraging and praising team members.

Make Sure They Like to Serve Others

Good leadership is all about serving others. It’s not about being selfish and putting one’s interest ahead of the company and employees. Good managers equally serve the team, the company and themselves. They have a preference for a win-win situation. When issues arise, good managers are not biased. They take objectively and resolve it fairly and promptly.

Make Sure They Care About Accountability

Too much kindness tends to lead to abuses. It’s the reason why good managers know how to balance kindness with accountability. They are good at holding their team members accountable when it comes to standards and expectations. Good managers are firm when it comes to making sure that promises are kept.

For many businesses, the idea of promotion relies on solely on the technical skills and performance of an individual. However, an effective manager requires specific skills. Ideally, you’d want a manager that has good people skills and good technical skills. If you can’t have both, it’s better to err on the candidate that knows how to take care of people. Otherwise, you could be risking the morale of your workforce, which then leads to poor productivity and customer service.

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