3 Things Issa Asad Learned from Alibaba CEO Jack Ma

issa asad jack ma ceo

Jack Ma is the CEO and founder of Alibaba Group, a Chinese company that is the largest e-commerce marketplace in the world. Its recent IPO was historic and raised over $25 billion.

These are 3 things Issa Asad Learned from Alibaba CEO Jack Ma.

As a business owner, it is important to listen to others who have succeeded, especially if they are in your own line of work and have a similar business. If they are educated, have built a great business and have a great customer following, it is a good idea to learn how they became successful and to try to implement a few of their strategies into the way you do business, and in to the way that you run your own business.

Issa Asad is an entrepreneur with over 15 years of experience in Miami, Florida. He is a social media expert, the owner of “Alibaba Instant Profits” blog and a bestselling author of four e-books (including Instant Profits with Alibaba). Issa Asad is also the CEO of Q Link Wireless, LLC, and Quadrant Holdings, LLC, located in Dania, Florida. Even though Issa Asad has years of experience, he has learned some vital things from Alibaba’s CEO, Jack Ma.

We caught up with Issa Asad, and he told us the three things he learned from Alibaba’s CEO, Jack Ma, and how it helped improve his own business and profit margins.

1. Don’t Stop Learning

Business is always changing. Regardless of the line of work you are in, the type of customer you cater to or the products you sell, if you remain stagnant you or your business are never going to grow. Always look for new ways to do things, for new ways in which your industry is changing and new ways in which your competitors are improving their own business. If you do not learn and if you do not know what is going on, you are going to fall behind. Furthermore, if you are not keeping up with the changes that are taking place, it will eventually show.

2. Don’t Wait for Opportunities

You have to go out there and look for opportunities. It is very rare that people will come seek you out; if you want to increase business, if you want to attain new customers and if you want to do more with your business, you have to go out there and look for it. Yes, if you are the top business and most well-known in your industry, people will come to you. But, even the greats and those who have the most money are always looking for new opportunities. If you really want to grow and if you want to be the best in the line of work that you do, it is important to go out there, to seek out new opportunities and to look for the business that you would like to do.

3. Be True to Yourself

Regardless of what you do, how great you are, how much money you make or how successful you are, there will always be doubters. People want to see you fail and some people will go out of their way in order to make you fail. So, if you try to alter who you are or change the person you are, this is going to reflect negatively upon you. “You don’t want to be jailed in to this persona who really isn’t you,” said Issa Asad.

Sure, you have to change in order to conform with what people want; but, you can’t give up on your morals or what you have done in order to grow your business. Remain true to who you are, remain true to those who have helped you and remain true to your customer. Even in an ever changing society and a world where people are always looking for the latest things, if you are true to what you produce and to the quality of the product that you put out there, people are also going to remain loyal to you. They are going to come back, and they will not turn to competitors if you remain loyal to what has made your business so great for so long.


It is easy to get lost in any industry. But, you have to remain true to who you are and what has made you successful in your business up to now. People will follow, and if you do remain true to your business, it is going to show in the quality of the product you put out there. In order to succeed, certain changes do have to be made and continual growth is a must. But, if you want to be a leader, and remain a leader, you have to give people what they expect and remain true to the business that you have built.


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